The Port of Iberia is moving forward with infrastructure improvements on the site for Logan Industries. The company will store large components of offshore rigs in a 30,000 square foot warehouse. The Port is also constructing a 3,000 square foot administration space as well as site stabilization for driveways and parking necessary for Logan Industries to be able to move the product. This project anticipates being completed this summer. Port of Iberia Executive Director Craig F. Romero said “We are very excited that Logan Industries has chosen the Port of Iberia. They have a facility in Hempstead, Texas that has about 300 jobs and they hope to replicate the same full-service facility here in the future.”
Dynamic Energy Services International, formerly Dynamic Industries, has recently been awarded a fabrication contract for a number of modules for the deep water Shell Appomattox project. This oil and gas development will be Shell’s eighth and largest floating platform in the Gulf of Mexico. Dynamic will also be supplying fabricated and assembled pipe rack modules for Sasol, a South African oil company expanding in the Lake Charles area. These modules will be built at the Port of Iberia. Romero stated both of these projects estimate bringing about 700 jobs to the area within the year.